- We provide educational activities for new and continuing neighborhood leaders and members.
- We work together to identify neighborhood needs and problems and research solutions
- Members are provided a mechanism for obtaining funding for neighborhood projects
Please download the ENI Membership Form and join ENI today!
Join Eugene Neighbors, Inc (ENI)
What is ENI?
The group was formed by neighborhood leaders in the year 2000 when it appeared the City Council was going to totally eliminate its neighborhood program. This was a grassroots way of continuing neighborhood involvement. That did not come to pass but, since then, ENI continues to exist to provide non-profit assistance to Eugene neighborhood groups. It is composed of neighborhood associations and neighborhood related members; and governed by a seven-member executive board composed of long-time neighborhood leaders and neighborhood activists. Currently there are 11 neighborhood organizations and 4 neighborhood projects that are members.
Why should my neighborhood join ENI?
ENI offers a convenient way of funding a neighborhood project or savings account with tax-deductible donations to a nonprofit. It costs nothing to join if your neighborhood group joins before March, or failing that, just $25 for the year.
How does it work?
ENI establishes an account for your neighborhood group. This account can be donated to directly by making payments to ENI. Your group may draw from that account at any time, as long as the purpose is consistent with neighborhood improvement. There is no cost when deposits are made; ENI has a handling charge of 5% to 10% when monies are withdrawn. A contract may be drawn if your group has a specific project that would require ENI to directly reimburse vendors or contractors.
What are your responsibilities?
Your group would need to fill out a membership form. This requires a recognized Eugene neighborhood board to approve membership in ENI, and to designate a representative. The representative will be a liaison between your group and ENI, and must attend the annual meeting of ENI as a voting member. (Meetings of the executive board are open to anyone, but not required of neighborhood representatives.)